Deck Builder - Madison, WI

Need a Deck Builder in or near Madison, WI? Contact Frey Construction

As your new deck builder, we will take into account your needs and give you full control over the entire process. Our designers will meet with you to determine what you envision for the space, and then produce a detailed proposal that outlines where every penny going toward the project will be spent. You can then make adjustments to meet your budget requirements.
We often use the Azek Deck System – a builder-friendly product that helps us create a marvelous deck for your Madison-area home that will continue looking great long into the future. Azek materials:
- Resist stains, splits, and scratches
- Prevent mold and mildew growth
- Are impervious to moisture and insect damage
- Come in a variety of rich, vibrant colors
If you're looking for an alternative to Azek decking, we install Duradek decking, a vinyl option that offers exceptional durability and waterproof protection that helps it withstand the elements.
To learn more about our deck builder services, contact Frey Construction today. We’re proud to be the home improvement company of choice for homeowners in Madison and throughout Central WI.